Thursday, June 30, 2011


Seems like it's late this year. Strawberry season that is!!
 Finally they are ready after a cold, wet start. And for the first time in all the years we have been married My Man and I went picking together! Actually we all went, and with 6 people picking it was done in no time, but we didn't get all the picking done, due to lack of time and farm chores looming... I'll be going out again with one of my BIL's and some of my kiddos, don't ask me why, that's just how it works out. My mother in law decided to come over and join us while we picked and got a few quarts for herself.  We thought it would be nice if we could raise our own strawberries, but with all the extra work and lack of space at this time we will just buy them locally and enjoy them throughout the winter. I think I like it that way better anyways. Quiet time picking strawberries in the cool of the summer morning, killing my legs and back as I pick, and watch my kiddos happily pick just a few feet from me, snapping a picture or two or five. haha!
 This was the older two's second year picking with me and the younger two's first time picking strawberries. They were all excited to be helping and with the berries full and plentiful they were done the work in no time. And with  little ones that is a good thing, fast quick results. Makes them more eager to help next time they are asked to help. Makes them feel important when they know how they are helping Mommy! I froze what we got today, minus what we ate for supper and left some for tomorrow with breakfast. Mmmm just love warm, fresh strawberries and whipped cream!
One year my sister and I picked 100 quarts together. The berry farm we got them from had a deal, pick 100 quarts and you pay $1 a quart, so we figured why not?! Ya, I think we were a little crazy, but the picking was really good and we got it done, and had lots of jam in our cupboards and strawberries in our freezer.

they were a great size, juicy and sweet! and I just thought they looked pretty!

my man picking with us!

this boy picked 2 quarts by himself, and then popped that strawberry in his mouth!

my mother in law with the girls chatting her ears off!

she needed some help filling her quart, so she asked if I would help her.

blowing me a kiss! what a sweetie. check out the views in the back ground!

mmmm, they are so good! don't you just want to grab one and eat it?

ready for the freezer. 
 Just gotta mention the blade in the bowl. It's a melon baller on one side and clawed knife on the other, with a hollow inside, it's made to hull things like strawberries and I just gotta say it's a wonderful tool to have! It takes the hull off without loosing half the berry. It's a Pampered Chef tool, and I'm sure there are other brands out there, but that's the one I have. So just wanted you to know it really works great. I hope you can see it in the picture, because it's worth every penny!!

mmm yup only ten quarts, and just a start, but we had fun as a family picking them!`She was having a hard time not just sitting there eating them all! she really wanted a picture of her with the berries! my little fruit and veggie queen!!

We saw this lunar moth in the tent when we went to pay for the strawberries, and thought it was pretty so we snapped a picture of it. Don't get to see them too often.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 01, 2011

    Sounds like great fun picking all those strawberries with the whole family! I'll have to go check out that Melon Baller. Thanks for sharing :) - Kellys Adventures in KY.
