Thursday, September 22, 2011

here 'tis

 This is our new tractor! Well OK, so it's not new per say. It's actually a fully restored 1941 John Deere H . This tractor was actually my great grandfather's first tractor. My mothers, mothers fathers tractor that he bought new! Can you believe that? It was my kiddos great great grandfathers!! Did you catch all that?!  Now how in the world did we come across this ole beauty? I'll tell you so keep reading if you like stories and a little family history!!
It all began a few years ago just to set you up for it.
 My great-Uncle Erland on my mothers side wanted to buy his fathers tractor back, he knew who had it. He had wanted it for a long time, but the man didn't want to sell. He, my uncle, was just a boy when his parents got it. Then after the man died my uncle went and asked his widow if she wanted to sell it. She decided to sell it to him. When my husband and I went for a visit Uncle Erland told Matthew he bought it. He was like a kid in a candy shop when he took Matthew to see it. At the time it was not in the condition that it is now. Unfortunately my uncle developed cancer and knew he was going to die, so he sold the tractor. All he told Matthew was that it went to a good home. Matthew has thought of my uncle often and wondered where the tractor went. Never thinking he would see it or know where it went. Then this summer my family had a family reunion. Through the course of a conversation that I was having about our farm with a relative the subject of tractors came up, and I was telling him about the one we have. Matthew was near by and heard the word tractor and he joined in the conversation after I asked him a question about ours. Well this man is the nephew of my Uncle Erland. The two men Matthew and Arvil started talking about Erland, and the tractor that was his fathers. HE HAD IT! And the implements, plow, mower, and cultavators. What?! He said that he actually wanted it gone before the winter. What?! Matthew and I looked at each other. I knew what he was thinking. We have some new ideas for our farm that we were approached with, that require another tractor, and then serendipitously one "fell" in our lap. (I just like the word serendipity, I know all things happen for a reason). Matthew and I started talking about it on the way home, and decided that we should pray about it and see about getting our duck in a row, so to speak.We had just walked through the door when the phone rang. It was Arvil saying he had called the man that wanted the tractor, but the man was unable to buy it, so we now had first refusal on it. WOW! We were not in a position to buy it just on sentiment.  We needed to be sure that it would do the jobs we needed it for.
It's been a few months and today our ":new" tractor is home!!! Not only does it have family heritage to it,  it also fits our need, price and will do what we need it to do!! What a blessing to us. We are so very thankful. It's amazing how it all worked out.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool!!! - The Kelly's Adv in Kentucky.
