Tuesday, September 25, 2012

lunch break

 I don't really have lots to say other then what I've already said. Life is busy! And not a whole lot is going on. It's getting closer to the end of my pigs life and that makes me sad. Never had pigs on the farm before and I've enjoyed them. I also like to eat them too, but... anyways
Here is a recent pic of them! See how cute she is smiling at the camera!!

Yup, I'd have to say we have happy pigs here and gave them the best life a pig could want!!

A neighbor recently combined his dry beans! See the pic! We've gotten beans from him. How convenient, a neighbor to get them from. Cheaper then the store.

The cows are doing well too. Just thought I'd throw that in there in case you were wondering.
The gardens are done for the winter. We didn't get many pie pumpkins this year or winter squash. Bummer. Hate to buy them at the store.
The leaves are rapidly changing and the days are getting shorter as well. Gets dark early around here. I hate that. I'll see if I can get the camera working long enough to get some when they look better and show you a New England fall!
 Well that's all I've got time for. Gotta get back to school! Lunch is over!
 Have a great day!


  1. I was thinking about you this morning, wondering what you were up to, glad you posted ☺ WOW it seems like you just got those little piggies!!! Time is flying by! How old are they now?

  2. I didn't realize you were in my neck of the woods! Those do look like happy pigs - and that's very important, when you are raising your own. And it looks like you are in for a whole lot of bacon. What kind of beans does your neighbor grow? These shorter days mean I get out the timers - I hate getting home in the dark!

    1. Susan where in upstate NY? I grew up in Hoosick Falls.

    2. doglady - Close! I am about 15 miles south of HF!

  3. You have done good with the pigs, better than living on a pork factory farm for sure!

  4. Kelly Thanks for missing me! Time does fly. I think the pigs are about 4.5 months old. They are a little small, but we got them a little late, and we have to book a butcher date a year in advance so it's hard to know how big they will be at that time!!

    Susan - Yes I live in Maine! My goodness my neighbor grows Yellow eye, Jacobs cattle, Vermont Cranberry, Pea beans, just to name a few. One pig is ours the rest are sold!

    Sunnybrook- Thanks. And we try to raise/grow most of what we eat. So much better for us and taste better too!

  5. At least you will know where your pork came from and that the pigs were treated well and had a good life! Glad all is well up in your neck of the woods. :)

  6. I'm tempted to try pigs next year. Could you give us an idea of the size and materials used for your enclosure, if you pastured them and how you fed them?

  7. Healthy looking pigs.

    You have been very busy!!
    Sounds like you are getting everything ready for winter, and filling up the food storage room :)
