Wednesday, February 9, 2011

this is me...

OK, this is me everyday. This time of year I have a lot more on though! This was in July after she calved. 

Yup, thats me and the cow. Can you see the calf in the back? What a pest he was, always trying to "cuddle" and get into the milk. What a little stinker. The do rag, snot rag, bandanna on my head, whatever you prefer to call it, the calf high rubber boots, jeans and a t-shirt. I'm a small town, country gal with big dreams! I like to have something on my head when I milk, because I never know what is on Maggie's tail! EEEE I don't want that in my hair! I do tend to be a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal though. I  brush her all down before milking, even her tail, but still! Not the most flattering picture of me, but I was still figuring it all out, not to mention I had no idea the man had the camera! Now I put my left leg in front of her right leg and behind her left leg to help keep her from stepping in the bucket. It's also a little more comfortable for me! Did you follow all that? The barn wasn't finished, but it was working to keep them in and dry when they needed to be in!
So far Maggie is still "settled". According to the AI tech it takes 2.5 times to have success when breeding a cow via AI. I'm not sure where the .5 comes in, but whatever. And this is the second time around for getting her AI'd.We shall see...